As a Ministry Leader do you have your game plan ready to go for 2014?
Is every part, person and process in place to start the new year?
Is everyone on the same page and prepared to do their part?
Do you struggle to develop an effective ministry plan that actually moves your church forward?
Have you found the planning process cumbersome and confusing?
Have your past efforts to plan distracted you and your leadership team and produced limited success?
Everyone knows that ministries with an effective strategic planning process have a stronger opportunity to fulfill their calling.
What does a ministry look like when it has a well thought out plan?
Both the leaders and volunteers are more focused on goals. Both leaders and volunteers are on the same page when implementing the plan.
Everyone involved in the planning process are developed personally and collectively as a team.
Your leaders will make better-informed decisions...and make them quicker.
Your volunteer workforce will waste less time chasing the wrong opportunities or trying to start the wrong ministries.
Your ministry directors will follow through more consistently on what they say and mean to do.
Your leadership team will build confidence as your plan is implemented and successful. Everyone wins!
Your leadership team will better understand what is profitable for your ministry and what is not.
Your volunteers will be less distracted and more energized and motivated....
Call Chambers Consulting Group at 219.230.6338 for a Free Consultation Today, and allow us to "Take You Beyond Where You Are..."