Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness: Healthy Active Living Learning Collaborative

The National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness (NCECHW) is now accepting applications from programs to participate in a Learning Collaborative process. This professional development initiative will give 10 teams the chance to implement healthy active living interventions in their program.

About the Learning Collaborative: The Learning Collaborative will include 3 separate in-person learning sessions to provide opportunities to build fundamental knowledge and skills as well as team building and peer to peer learning for healthy active living initiatives within: staff wellness, nutrition education, physical activity, and family engagement. Virtual training and technical assistance will be held quarterly between learning sessions. Most of these virtual trainings will include a peer-to-peer component, where participating programs will share their successes and challenges. Other virtual opportunities will include training for specific staff members in the program such as menu development for food service staff. Teams will make systematic changes to improve their program and measure progress. An evaluator will assist teams to capture meaningful data and outcomes. The teams will participate in a final in-person session in order to document successes, best practices, barriers, and implementation strategies; teams should be prepared to share the outcomes of their action plans at this meeting.

Who should apply? 
Early Head Start, Head Start, child care, family child care, and preschool programs are eligible to apply. This opportunity is open to programs with previous experience in implementing healthy active living related policies and programs as well as those seeking to begin this work. 

The Application Process: 
Teams will have until 3:00 p.m. CT on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 to submit their applications. Selected programs will receive $3,000 each to assist with the costs of facilitating activities that focus on programmatic and policy interventions. This support will be awarded in installments. 

The first installment will be released following attendance at the first in-person learning session with the final installment provided after completion of the third learning session. Acceptable expenses include securing meeting space, staff time to facilitate collaboration, general meeting supplies, etc. Applicants are asked to provide a brief budget narrative using the budget template provided.  

Important Dates and Deadlines

Applications are due no later than 4 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016. This includes the Online Application and completed Budget Template. Applicants will be notified of an award decision the week of Nov. 21, 2016. For all other dates, review the full Call for Application Guidelines.

If you have any questions, please contact Florence Rivera, MPH at or 847/434-4790. 

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